Friday, October 22, 2010

All Signs Point to VEGAS

Every year, AB takes me to Las Vegas for my birthday.  Our trip is here, and I can't wait!  I am frantically trying to pack, clean, finish work, and finish some Etsy projects all in like 24 hours.  AB is so excited, too-- which makes me happy.  He's been practicing his blackjack (oh yeah, I need to do that!) and picking out restaurants for us to eat at.  I'm happy as long as I get to go to the Paris buffet for breakfast one morning and make it out to Bill's for a 4 am steak and eggs breakfast.

What's your favorite must do in Vegas?  (Ah yes, and I need batteries for my camera, too)  
Last month, when I went there with the sisters for the bachelorette party, I played and fell in love with Sex & the City slot machines!  To play, it costs $2/pull, but its worth it when its hot.  I had so much fun, I got the Miranda progressive (like $35!) twice.  I can't wait to go and play the S&TC game again!  I also love Keno, and I will be getting a few games set up as soon as we get there.  I like to play at least 20 games off the bat, so the next morning I can check to see if I've won anything.

Alright, back to the grind.  I will take and post lots of pictures when I get back!!  

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